Thursday, May 28, 2009

Practising everyday

I am practising my bass guitar everyday. Can even even hold a rhytm as long as I don't fret too much. I can manage to hold at least 2 of my 4 strings silent most of the time. I can switch string when I pluck whithout looking (wow!). Mariève doesn't complain that much when I practice (which is 15 to 30 minutes per day, on average), but maybe she is just in love with me and doesn't want me to down my pityful efforts to pretend I can play a musical instrument.

Even my daughters don't complain THAT much.

Of course, some people can actually play bass guitar. . A pity he passed away. I hear he never was one to boast.

Besides, spring is in full Bloom, the recession appears to have bottomed out (I do not say it appears to have recovered!), and perhaps the end of the world will be kind enough to postpone its visit if it had any planned in the near or mid term future...